Governance Series

Risk Management Awareness

This program provides an understanding of key terms, generic types of risk and the basic concepts that all staff need to fulfil their obligations and support good practice. It gives a walk-through of simple approaches to risk assessment and risk examples that are relevant to local government.

Staff are also provided with an overview of risk frameworks and tools, basic analysis techniques, and practical strategies to manage potential risks. This program is aligned to the current Australian Standard for Risk Management (ISO 31000, 2018).

Module content & coverage

    1. Understanding risk
    2. Managing risk
    3. Analysing risk
    4. Risk frameworks & supports
    5. Practical strategies


Risk Management for Practitioners

This program focuses on providing practical advice for staff that are tasked with completing risk assessments for Council. An extension of the basic theory to help staff apply the key principles and navigate common pitfalls in the real world.

Module content & coverage

    1. Focus on objectives
    2. Engaging with clients
    3. Risk evaluation


Risk Management for Leaders

This program focuses on helping senior staff to understand higher order risk concepts, build a positive risk culture and address common challenges. It aims to equip Managers and Executive staff with the knowledge and skills to ensure Council’s risk program supports organisational outcomes.

Module content & coverage

    1. Understanding risk
    2. Managing strategic risks
    3. Building risk culture
    4. Risk appetite and tolerance


Fraud and Corruption Awareness

This program provides an understanding of how fraud and corruption are defined and the way these behaviours could impact on a local Council. It includes an overview of ‘red flags’, examples of the types of fraud and corruption that have been identified in local Government, and an overview of key frameworks and governance forums. This program is tailored to the current Australian Standard for Fraud & Corruption Control (ISO 8001: 2021).

Module content & coverage

    1. Understanding fraud & corruption
    2. Identifying fraud & corruption
    3. Managing fraud & corruption
    4. Reporting fraud & corruption


Conflicts of Interest Awareness

Suitable for all staff, this program focuses on understanding conflicts of interest in the context of local government. Coverage includes how real, potential and perceived conflicts should be reported and the potential effects managed effectively.

Module content & coverage

    1. Understanding conflicts of interest
    2. Key staff obligations
    3. Reporting and management