Subject matter expertise +
Adult learning principles +
Cost-effective & time-efficient

Archdale Labs programs are created by a subject matter expert and tailored for specific contexts. The first context is the Local Government Series. Case studies and examples are specifically selected for their relevance to people working in this context.

Programs by Archdale Labs draw on best practice ideas and credible sources, but focus on equipping staff with core knowledge and practical skills.

Each program refers to the specific legislation, oversight bodies and other advice that is relevant to the particular State or Territory. For example, the fraud and corruption program for Victorian Councils references the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 and directs staff to IBAC.

Archdale Labs programs are cost-effective and time-effective. As the core obligations for Councils apply irrespective of size or resourcing, the staff in smaller Councils are especially stretched.

Content is written in plain English, easily accessible for all staff, and clearly linked to the workplace. Learning and retention are maximised via multi-mode engagement with the material.

In July 2021, a Victorian Council that purchased four Archdale Labs programs observed that the offerings were simultaneously the best quality and the lowest cost option that he had ever come across.

What formats are programs available in?

Archdale Labs delivers programs in three basic formats:

  1. SCORM files, developed using Articulate 360 software for ingestion into Council’s own Learning Management System (LMS).
  2. External LMS (via ‘Thinkific’), to provide interactivity for Councils with no LMS.
  3. Powerpoint files, if Councils have not yet adopted an LMS and only need limited interactivity.

All programs are self-paced, provide multi-modal learning options, and are delivered in 5-10 minute modules for maximum flexibility.

​All programs have a voice over using neural ‘text to speech’, the most natural that is currently available.

Do you develop other programs and training?

Yes and no. Many of the programs currently on offer have not been developed by subject matter experts, and are of relatively poor quality. As Archdale Labs prides itself on delivering quality content, we will not develop programs that are outside my own area of expertise.

​However! If you have pre-existing content, such as a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation, I can likely convert this into online training for you. If I have some relevant expertise – such as content but not context – we may be able to work together.

​Contact me to discuss options and to obtain a quote.

Can we get additional tailoring of existing programs?

Where relevant, Archdale Labs program pricing includes two hours of tailoring to ensure the content refers to the correct legislation, oversight bodies and such.

​The name of your own organisation will also be referenced and some particular specifics – such as the names of key documents and internal committees – will also be included in this tailoring.

​Additional tailoring for your specific organisation or sector is offered at $120 per hour. Please contact me for a quote.

Do all programs include an assessment component?

Not all programs lend themselves to assessments, and not all organisations want their training to include assessments.

​For this reason, Archdale Labs offer assessments as an optional extra at a cost of $300 per program. These are best suited to fact-based compliance programs such as Risk Management, or Fraud and Corruption Control.

​Each assessment will be a mix of multiple-choice questions, matching tasks, and scenario-based questions. It will test learner understanding of core components of the material , to ensure an understanding of key terms and concepts, also workplace policy and required practices.

What is your background in adult learning?

Not all programs lend themselves to assessments, and not all organisations want their training to include assessments.

I’m a former postgraduate lecturer. In this role, I delivered Masters level subjects delivered both online and in person. This provided an array of opportunities to see ‘what works’ in practice’.

​My approach to learning is informed by my four-year undergraduate degree in psychology. This included formal subjects in learning, attention, memory and information processing. Other human factors – such as group dynamics and organisational culture – can also be relevant to workplace learning.

​People learn in many different ways: textual, visual and experiential. Language that is simple, succinct and consistent minimises cognitive load and maximises accessibility for participants.

Engagement is also critical for learning and retention. I regularly receive feedback that my content and approach are engaging, even with relatively dry material.

​In the workplace, I’ve spent 14 years overseeing the work and development of my own direct reports and many mentees. I am experienced in providing constructive feedback and practical guidance on how to improve.

How are these programs time-effective & flexible?

Busy professionals rarely have long blocks of free time to attend training.
Younger learners also often have a relatively short attention span.

​All Archdale Labs programs are self-paced and can be accessed at any time. Each program is also segmented into 10-minute ‘micro-modules’ that can be consumed when convenient, even in brief gaps between meetings.

Does Archdale Labs deliver classroom training?

It’s perfectly possible if COVID restrictions permit, and this may have some advantages for learners.

​We can also explore a blended learning approach where we deliver much of the content via an online program but append this with a Q&A webinar discussion.

​The best solution will be partly determined by the nature of the learning materials, the learning objectives, also the nature of your staff and organisational circumstances. Contact me to discuss options.